Monday, January 28, 2013

Contemplating the Situation...

It has been a long time since I have been called to writing.  I have been watching and learning a lot in the months gone by.  I would now like to alert readers to areas where attention and change could benefit humanity in ways that may eliminate a lot of health dis-comforts and dis-eases.  Some of the dangers in the health industry may be fore harmful than anticipated.  This is a crisis.  It is my belief that much of this has been orchestrated over the years by a few who profit dearly from the suffering of others.

Many of us know that ObamaCare is just another tax behind a mask of 'government caring for you' or 'free medical'.  Where I find my greatest confusion is how so many people are not able, or willing, to examine what this 'universal' health care will be once it is rooted in society.  Many also do not connect CODEX ALIMENTARIUS (the global health care plan), which is under UN AGENDA 21, to 'universal health care'.  This is the plan for a 'sustainable future’, aka total management of human activities.  Socialized medicine under this long-planned agenda will lead us into more control, and restrictions on choices.  It is guaranteed to take away our choices in health care services, natural remedies, good food, etc.

There are many on the scene who are working hard to bring education to the many who are caught in the trap of consensus reality. (Fabricating consensus reality involves shaping individual perceptions to favor 'majority rule' or 'herd mind', where people either cannot or do not wish to consider anything outside the 'herd mind’ reality. It is designed so one thinks they have a choice, when in fact they are convinced to agree with the agenda.)  Consensus reality has shaped the human psyche for a very long time, creating a reality that is accepted as true, with little to no investigation of what the reality of a situation may in fact be.  Mass media propaganda, or the alternative media 'controlled opposition’, is a strong influence programming people and shaping their reality around health and health care.  Democrats and Republicans are only names; at the top, there is no distinction between the two, as both are signed onto the total control and taxation of our health through their scheme of 'universal management' of our bodies.  The choices of who can be treated, and who will die, are part of this agenda.  (see for further information)  The direction propaganda takes us is incremental.  ObamaCare is a step along the way toward the total implementation of CODEX AILMENTARIUS. (it was put into effect December 31, 2011)

What do we do?  First, come to recognize that health is a simple thing to achieve.  We need clean food, water, and air. This planet has provided all we need to sustain life. The number one focus for basic health management is simply having access to clean food, water, and air.

The food supply has been poisoned with various additives (many chemicals are not required to be listed on labels, and they are not on them); the very soil is depleted of needed trace minerals by the use of chemical fertilizers; produce is sprayed with pesticides; many products are genetically modified (GM or GMO); cattle and chickens are full of bovine growth hormones, plus many of them are being fed GMO feed.  When consumption of these toxic chemical materials meets our organic biology, over time there is a cost to our health due to slow, progressive imbalance of body functions.  It is toxicity and deficiency that lead to our health maladies.  Food is to be our medicine, and medicine is to be our food.  If it has been tainted by poison or altered to cause nutrient deficiencies, suffering with dis-comforts or dis-ease is the path that will be taken.

Water from most municipalities is extremely toxic, due to a substance that city officials refuse to remove: fluoride. Fluoride is so toxic that it is not allowed to be dumped into the ocean or into landfills, yet it is put into our drinking water supply.  Fluoride is a waste product from chemical plants.  When it is loaded onto a truck, it becomes a commodity for sale.  Cities purchase fluoride with tax money and dump it into the drinking water.  The barrels that transport it have a warning skull and crossbones 'poison' logo on them, yet the city councils and city workers seem to ignore that warning of poison.  They continue to purchase fluoride with TAX money and give back poison water to drink - not to mention the other toxins that are present in drinking water.  Research shows that fluoride reduces IQ and makes people passive.  Perhaps the reason there is no outcry is the damage has been effectively done.  This is a deliberate poisoning done to you by your 'elected' representatives of your city/county/state.

Air quality is also toxic.  Pollen is not the only thing in the air that creates sinus congestion, infection, or breathing difficulties,  Chem-trailing is a weather modification 'experiment' involving chemically spraying the atmosphere to influence weather patterns.  Often these are used with HAARP.  (please research this if more information is desired)  A very short list of the chemicals found in chemtrails includes barium, aluminum, and biological materials - nothing that is conducive to health.  The air needed to breathe is being poisoned.

That leads to a simple conclusion.  The basic essentials needed for good health have been corrupted, tampered with, poisoned, modified, and stripped of nutrient value.  This makes health a difficult thing to achieve.  The few things that will help our health - like herbs, or good food - are being made illegal, confiscated, or branded as folk medicine (aka snake oil), which many in the consensus reality will accept with no investigation of their own.  The push to take chemicals to remedy toxic or deficient conditions is the consensus reality put into the human psyche. These chemical medications do not add to the body the essentials to stimulate the healing process and restore health.

This alone should bring a huge outcry from all who want healthy lives, yet the scams and lies out there keep people tricked into participating in a system that is ineffective at promoting and maintaining health.  (I am not talking about acute critical care or the diagnostic tools of western models of medicine, I am speaking about the system's methods for treating diseases.  Remember… the cause of disease is either deficiency or toxicity).

One will soon begin to see the web that is being woven and the way one agenda piggybacks on another.  The smoke and mirrors of diversion turn heads away from the events that are taking place beyond the propaganda and consensus reality.  Toxic situations are planned and implemented – otherwise, why wouldn't city councilors and members of Congress avoid harming those they represent?  Have they been bribed to overlook integrity, honesty, and ethical practices?  Those in power refuse to acknowledge the dangers of any of this.  They seem to feel they can plan the world in the manner that suits them, regardless of the consequences to life.  They pass laws to encourage toxic practices and punish those who do not agree.  Who are these people?  Why are they doing this?

As I continued my research, I found that many strands are connected – as if there is a massive spiderweb forming a great trap for us to be tangled in.  When someone sees the web of deceit, that person is hastily discredited by propagandists.  Much of what is believed today to be a reality of safety, goodness, and 'working for the people', is just a lie.

My intention is to pull out all the stops on the criminal activities that are going on in our health services.  Much of this will also touch other areas of corruption.  As a spiderweb is connected, so is this scam on humanity.  This once great country is in great peril with health services, as it is in other areas of our lives.  It is time to come to grips with the corruption that has crept into this society.  A society that was built on the integrity of 'Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness' (property = your body) is facing grave danger.  The Founding Fathers understood the importance of freedom.  Humanity has a right to eat good food, drink good water, and breathe clean air.  When these basic needs are denied, a path will lead to tyranny and total slavery.  That will mean no rights, no ability to stay healthy, and no choices to move out of the corruption.  That will be the end of humanity.

All this may sound crazy; I assure you, I am not crazy.  What I share will be challenging to the thought process. We now stand on the edge of great change.  We can choose between two directions.   One will re-establish our humanity, as we take responsibility to protect life by removing from positions of governance those committed to psychopathic behavior.  The other will be a matrix prison, where everything is decided from cradle to grave in an oppressive, tyrannical system.  It is truly a choice between freedom, which requires responsibility, or slavery, which requires ignorance and a sense of entitlement.  The bliss of ignorance or the power of knowledge: that is the choice the world is currently facing.

Health concerns are a good place to begin to examine the web of deceit.  Without strong bodies and sound minds, lives are unproductive and easily victimized by pain and suffering that hold one hostage with large medical bills.  A tether is easily placed by insurance and pharmaceutical companies, as health is lost.  Without health, we miss the joy, beauty, fun, creativity, and pleasure of being human.

There is a lot more to life than the false reality being shoved down our throats.  Health is a birthright.  My questions are:  Why is there so little examination of the medical industry’s questionable ethics?  Why do they get away with deadly errors instead of being held accountable?  Why are they allowed to 'prescribe' dangerous medications that do the body more harm than good?  Perhaps it is time to become educated about the history of medicine and the powers who took control of it?  Why is there so much fear to tell those who peddle harm to STOP?  Clearly, people know there is something not quite right, yet there is a lack of knowledge as to what that is.

For information to 'catch you up' on these draconian laws and issues, please visit

Until then.......... Athena

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Health Care... Up for Discussion:

If we are paying attention to the political conversation, the topic of health care is 'up for discussion'. In my opinion it is a conversation and discussion we all would find beneficial to engage in, examining it closely and objectively with no emotional attachments.

I have concern for the type of health care and services offered from the bureaucrats, the pharmaceutical companies, and the insurance companies. In a nearly 2000 page bill there is nothing about offering a model of health services to land on the responsibility of each individual. It is all about the powers that be controlling our health concerns, rationing it, and choosing who will live and who will die based on age and state of health.

The perception that is desired for the masses to believe is that everybody has to take care of those without health care insurance. So there are those in Washington who are creating the illusion that in order for all to benefit there should be a one payer system. Now don't get side tracked here and start to suggest that is a good thing without giving it some critical thinking.

What would a structure like this look like? For starters, it will be mandatory to have the one brand of insurance. All other policies will have to go. Everyone has to have the governments/corporation insurance. Wait a minute... if there is one payer, why would we buy into the system when we pay the kind of taxes we pay... wouldn't our taxes cover universal health care???? The one payer system will have access to your bank account, and your credit report which would insure payment and assess rates according to your credit report. (This is already in effect when purchasing auto insurance.) Then to keep us safe and 'well' we will be ordered (mandated) to take vaccines or antibiotics, and will be fed food from their genetically modified crops. There will be no choices in what treatment we can have, it will be rationed, to save money when we are paying premiums for services. We will be totally controlled by a system and all freedoms will be removed.

I don't know about you, to me it looks as if someone will be profiting a great deal from all the tax money, insurance premiums, the purchasing of our medicines.

This is obviously a brief dot of the nearly 2000 page bill before congress. Those who have read it are saying it is draconian and unconstitutional. It was put together by both parties (so no finger pointing here). This legislation has one intention which is a total government take over of the health care system.

OK, now let us take a look at the other side of the coin.

Health care being the responsibility of each person who possesses a body, mind, and spirit. There are a lot of modalities out there that work together to bring about reversals of conditions that seem to be permanent. There are also a lot of alternative health therapies that can manage dis-ease effectively and with less strain on the liver, kidneys and overall balance of the body which toxic ingredients take out of balance. Choice in the manner of treatment and what modality an individual knows is best for themselves. The general population would be well educated to the care of their most prize possession, their body.

Because a lot of choices would be present, there would also be competition, which is the free market at work. Prices would be affordable. Quality would be superb. Without government rules to hide under people would practice with more ethics or they will not stay in business (no government skirt to hide under which is called the license).

If people are in a serious state of health, there would be hospitals that would be managed without the controls of government/pharmaceutical/insurance companies. America has done that in the past. We can develop a very good health care system by utilizing the talents of us all.

There is a lot of conversation to be discussed like;
  • Costs of the current system.
  • The monopoly the current system is under.
  • Alternative modalities and how to utilize them.
  • Keeping government regulators out.
  • Nullifying all licensed procedures performed by the Corporate State. Certification of completion is all that would be necessary to practice. Ethics would determine one's success in their practice.
The thought of nullifying the licensing of practitioners may be met with much resistance until a closer examination is taken. The reason for licensing is NOT so the government keeps the public safe, nor does it guarantee there will be only well educated people performing on an ethical high ground.

Licensing is this:
  • Revenue collection from testing and licensing.
  • A vector for control over health services.
  • Revenue collection from fines if the health services provider treats a patient/client in a different fashion than the governing body gives permission to.
  • Allowing only one method of treatment which would support the pharmaceutical industries with their chemical medications, that are not always safe or effective, and expensive. These are toxic after prolonged use, putting more demand on the body or creating a new condition of dysfunction.
Non-licensing is this:
  • Setting up a practice, private or in a 'clinic' without interference.
  • As a client, there would be choice in who to see or what type of modality is preferred.
  • Educating the public to the care and concerns of the body.
  • Medicines would be such things as good organic food to get necessary nutrients, herbs, homeopathic remedies, all being safe, effective, and inexpensive.
I have just grazed the surface. There is a lot of material to be discussed and a lot of points of view people will have as to their own bias and needs. All these concerns can be considered.

Is there a different way which offers results, no harm? Is there a way for us to have it all? The best of both worlds where freedom to choose is never abused. A system that also educates the general public to being responsibility for their own bodies health and what is important to maintain it, what is harmful for it. Teaching the public to be responsible for the choices made. That is the essence of freedom. Responsibility must be present for freedom of choice to work.

What sort of health services should we be looking for? What are your ideas?

Health care... anyone up for a discussion?

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Socialized Medicine ... Another look.

With all the talk of the new Obama-care, this notion that the government must be the sole provider to a one payer program to 'take care of Americans' is worth an examination.

No matter what this is called, it is perhaps not as attractive as one may first think.

There is a very important thing to be recognized if this system is to be transformed. The notion that the government owes us, as a right, health care services is a misnomer in a free society.

Here is why:
  • When we give up our responsibility of taking care of our body, which is our property, we are setting ourselves up for abuse from a controlling system of rules, regulations, and mandates. We have given up our power. We did this by choice. We allowed fear to cloud our better judgment.
When we give up our power believing that the government will take care of us, here is what we can expect:

Health care is a business. To make money the needed commodity is sick people or people they can convince are sick. Government is in bed with insurance companies and the pharmaceutical companies. Corporatism is running the show, profits are high and health is low.

If the government is going to tax us for this service, and is in bed with businesses that intend to profit, the health care which was promised after our insistence will be set in motion based on the bottom line rather than the health condition and the betterment of ones health.

How do they do this?

Currently the government has control over the western medical system through the AMA, the medical journals that are the 'authority' of what is 'happening' in research, treatment etc. This entity manages the schools which teach only what the controlling entity chooses to teach. The schools regulate how many doctors will be allowed to practice and those who get their credentials must pass the tests answering the questions as this one system allows. There is no room for discussion or consideration of any other system.

Those who wish to expand their practices outside of that structure find themselves in a very difficult position. This is another subtle government/pharmaceutical/insurance agenda. Keeping this control in place, prices can also remain high since a shortage of doctors will be easily regulated and those who are in the profession will be overworked, so care will be limited. When the government (medical business) assigns a license, and we buy it, we have just volunteered to allow the control of the government dictate how we practice which may not be in the best for our patients/clients.

So we have volunteered to allowing the government more control and surrendering our power and freedom. Any ideas outside this monopoly for natural less expensive cures are not considered. In reality they are often violently shut down removing from public access effective cures.

This is the structure of socialized medicine. Control of the powers that be and no power or choice to the masses of people. We will pay for that one choice, yet the return on that investment may lack the best possible means to restoring and reversing health challenges.

So now we can see how the control, power and money made creates this greed where no competition is allowed.

What would an alternative choice be in correcting this structure? First, it is important to do study and get into a new mind set where a willingness to take responsibility for our health is realized and practiced. It is time to stop being dis-empowered by rules that affect our well being. Altering our health will come through responsibility, learning from others, trying new therapies and seeing what works. We can begin to realize that in most cases we do not have to have dis-ease.

Instead we can consider creating a new structure, one which is modeled after the Free Market idea (not free trade). Here is a possibility of how landscape can look.

There would be no regulation of any types of practices. Those wishing to become health practitioners can choose the modality and pursue good instruction. The system would be more of an apprenticeship. The mentor or school would give a certificate of attendance and completion from the modality once the necessary training is complete. Government would not choose who can practice, rather the market would allow for competition, bringing in a higher quality of ethics in the market place.

With an abundance of practitioners who will all need to be ethical in their practice if they wish to make a living on their labor will provide quality work for those seeking help. Prices would be low, people could afford it out of pocket, (again this is not in an extreme situation). Remember, this is a possibility for a free market structure, which will look very different that what we are use to seeing.

As people become accustom to enjoying becoming responsible for their health, paying attention to better eating, and connecting with their whole BEing, the dis-ease we experience will be reduced considerably. Health would be abundant, costs would be low, people would be empowered as responsibility shows its power, and we could get rid of an entity that taxes us and gives us very little in return.

We do still have choice. What are we going to choose?

I am sure those of you who are thinking this through may begin to see a distinction of the socialized structure is a surrender of all our health rights to a government, pharmaceuticals, and insurance companies, or a structure where people can learn to take care of each other in ways that are effective and affordable. (There will always be 'special' emergency situations which can be discussed in a different forum, as those conditions are not central to the overall methods our current health system practices.)

Let us give this some objective considerations to health services aligning with personal responsibilities and a removal of government controls which do not seem to have the intentions of health for the people in mind. Let us discuss what sort of structure that could be provided to those needing help due to serious conditions around health.

Heed the wisdom of /Albert Einstein.... "Ridicule without examination is the height of ignorance".

Please comment on this idea. Conversation is important for us to transform our society.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Medical Structure... Do We Understand It?

Structures in our society are set up to hold us into a particular belief structure or understanding of reality that may or may not be what we think it is.

Let's take the medical structure. What we accept in this structure is total control over our health. We have gotten to the point of not even thinking for ourselves anymore. We have allowed the powers that be to disconnect us from our bodies, they have taken away our choices, and have become an authoritarian position that will jail people or take children away from parents for not consenting by way of force to medical treatments that they choose. In particular this occurs when people refuse to do the standard cancer therapies.

I am not saying that if someone chooses to do these forms of treatment that they are 'bad' or 'wrong', I am simply stating that some people would like to do the natural treatments, which there are many. Some of these treatments have the ability to reverse cancers. Because it is not a form of therapy that the powers that be can control, or patent, they make rules and policies hidden as laws so the control and money can be funneled into the pockets of the few, while people loose their homes and property with large medical bills on treatments that are more or less mandated, and do not prolong life for most people in a dynamic way.

So we accept this as reality and become very fearful at the mention of cancer. We then subject ourselves to often unnecessary surgeries and toxins for treatment that does a lot of damage to tissues and systems within the body. These strong toxic materials create imbalance to our bodies, brings our mind into disconnected thoughts and often experience lows in our emotional state. So then with these imbalanced we are prescribed more toxins and the circle keeps on a downward spiral. We get no mention of good nutrition or supplementation to restore the damage that is done by these harsh and toxic methods. We are placed into a structure that is taking our money and diminishing the quality of our lives, and at worse shortening our life.

What our bodies need is simple. Minerals, vitamins, good fats, clean water, fresh air, exercise of some sort, time for prayer or meditation, clean organic food, sunlight. If we were to alter our lifestyle the health we gain would be altered incredibly.

So in the medical structure of today, we have gone down the road to take what the doctor says without question and to pay whatever the costs are. We take medicine that is advertised on TV that is nothing more than a marketing tool to sell these drugs. We thoughtlessly submit ourselves to dangerous drugs, vaccines, and surgeries without thinking or asking any questions. Most of these situations have a much safer and effective alternative. Shame on us for giving up our power by allowing the 'commands' of insurance companies, and physicians to dictate to us what is best for us regardless of the side effects. The structure of the current medical model is a business making a lot of money on our dis-ease. We act as if this business is the word of god.

What to do about this? For one we can alter our eating, we can become more educated to what is going on in this structure, we can examine the vaccines and choose whether or not we wish to put that sort of a serum into our infants bodies, we can ask questions of physicians, pharmacists, and others who are involved with a particular method of health care to explain what it is they wish for us to take, the side effects and any alternatives. By making sure we get the answers that we desire from those we are asking, we will be empowered and can take responsibility for our health, choosing to gain knowledge and understanding about the needs our body requires to give to us good health.

We do have choices, and we do have the power to say NO to things that we do not wish to undergo.

Part of the problem we face is also in understanding the way this structure works from the inside out. The discovery will be the medical industry is a business which profits by illness, drugging and often unnecessary surgeries. It needs to keep people on the edge of ill health and continue to oppress the therapies that can offer complete healing.

We can say good bye to the health insurance we have been told we need, which is another topic in itself. We can say good bye to chronic illnesses, we can live with high energies, a sound mind, balanced emotions, and hold our power of choice IF we choose to be responsible for our body's needs.

We may think that socialized medicine will be the answer to these issues, however we will only have more rules and a tighter structure. What is needed in this for real health choices is a structure of free market which is not understood yet by most.

My next blog I will discuss the distinctions of socialized medicine and the free market.